An image of a Sufi praying at night, bowing and with his hands together

"Tasawwuf," commonly known as Sufism in English, is the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. It's a path towards the knowledge of Allah and the purification of the soul.

Tasawwuf is a journey of spiritual progress that involves self-discipline, ethical refinement, and the pursuit of a direct and personal experience of the Divine. This path emphasizes love, service, and the remembrance of Allah, often involving practices such as meditation, prayer, and the recitation of Allah's names.

It's not seen as separate from Islam but as an integral part of the Islamic faith, deeply rooted in the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

The ultimate goal is to achieve a state of Ihsan (perfection or excellence), where one worships Allah as if they see Him, and though they do not see Him, they know that He sees them.

This spiritual pursuit is about transforming the heart and soul to align with the divine will, leading to a profound inner change that manifests in every aspect of one's behavior and outlook on life.