The scene depicts an ancient Islamic market in Al Andalus.

Welcome to the Muamalat Movement – a community of forward-thinking young Muslims on a journey to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Through a diverse range of articles, videos, and books, we intend to share the profound wisdom and practical strategies essential for rejuvenating the core practices of Islam. The resources curated here are not just reflections of deep understanding, but are stepping stones towards a more enlightened and practical adherence to our cherished faith.

Shaykh Umar Vadillo's contributions delve into the intricacies of Tasawwuf and Muamalat, providing a well-spring of knowledge for those seeking to navigate the path of Islamic revival. The Shaykh’s dedication to rebuilding a vibrant Islamic community is showcased here.

books shelves, books and a computer in a room


We warmly invite you to learn, to immerse yourself in the enlightening journey towards reviving the essence of Islam.

modern media library with lots of books and other resources


These resources not only contain deep knowledge but also guide towards a more enlightened and practical application.


The Muamalat Movement is a community bound by the aspiration to live Islam in its truest form.

Our Mission

Our mission is guided by our unwavering love for Allah and our commitment to living by His commands. We believe in the transformative and cognitive power of the heart, that is, "aql." Our goal is to nurture aql and use it as a force for positive change.

Why We Exist

In a world where anxiety, stress, and depression seem to have become all too common among young people, we felt the need to take action. These issues aren't our fault; they're the result of a societal and economic system that needs fixing.

Our Foundation

Our movement is deeply rooted in The Qur'an and the Sunnah. We aim to restore "muamalat" as both a concept within Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and as a social and economic model. Our inspiration comes from the early generations of Madinah, a time when values and principles shaped the harmonious society in human history.

Our Approach

We believe in prioritizing what is lawful (halal) over what is prohibited (haram) – this is the essence of "muamalat" within our fiqh. By revisiting how Islam was practiced, we recognize the importance of restoring institutions like the gold dinar, silver dirham, suqs (markets), caravans, caravanserais, guilds, qirad (trade finance), shirkat (organic partnerships), and waqf (common property) to breathe life into our society.

Our Vision

Central to our model are the waqf, with its pivotal institutions – the mosque and the suq. The fundamental role of common property holds the key to addressing issues like inflation, housing unaffordability, and youth unemployment.

Our Action Plan

Our organizational objective is to transition from our current capitalist structures to the model of "muamalat." Technology plays a vital role, and we're leading the charge in new digital technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and 5G. We're creating education and professional development hubs through smart guilds.

The Muamalat Movement is all about "futuwwah" – empowering our youth (fata) to grow socially and economically by igniting a spiritual transformation from within.

Join us on this inspiring journey. Let's use our hearts and minds to create a more just and equitable society, living by the principles of Islam while making a positive impact on the world. Together, we can make a difference.